Lawn & Garden

April Gardening Jobs

April showers bring May flowers is a very apt proverb for the month of April. The sap begins to run in plants and the scent of many fragrant flowers are one of the most potent signs that winter is finally over, and the garden has woken up. This is an important month for the vegetable garden and a time not to be fooled by mild days as night frost can undo all the earlier seed sowing unless plants are protected.

The important tasks for the month are as follows:

  • Lawn care is of paramount importance this month. After the first few cuttings apply a fertilizer, weedkiller, and moss killer to get that lush green expanse of grass over the summer months.
  • April is the time to sow new lawns, repair bald patches and damaged edges after a long winter.
  • Continue deadheading spring bedding to promote repeat flowering.
  • Protect the new shoots of Hostas, delphiniums and other vulnerable plants from slugs and snails.
  • Spray new leaves of roses with fungicide to control mildew, rust, and blackspot.
  • Now is the perfect time to sow a wide selection of vegetable seeds outdoors like carrots, parsnips, cabbages, salad onions, spinach, herbs, beetroot, peas, broad beans, etc.
  • Cabbage plants that have been raised indoors can be planted out once hardened off.
  • Make sure to cut away any unwanted suckers growing around the base of trees and shrubs.
  • Earth up early sown potatoes every time new growth reaches. Once they're approx. 10-15cm above ground.
  • April is also the time to plant second-early and maincrop potatoes.
  • Weed seedlings appear rapidly this month. Make sure to remove them before they flower and set further seeds.
  • It's important to feed shrubs and roses this month with one of the well-balanced slow-release fertilizers to promote healthy growth.

Remember: This is the time of year when the garden centres are fully stocked with a fresh crop of colourful perennial and shrubs!

We have everything you'll need to complete your April gardening jobs here. Drop into one of our garden centres and talk to our horticulturists for further advice and tips, or read more on Woodie's Community.