Lawn & Garden, Outdoor Living

16 Simple Ideas to Bring Your Outdoor Space to Life

What’s stopping you from making your garden into the social space you crave? Whether you want to use it for the warmer season, or you just need to give it some love, these simple garden ideas will breathe life back into your outdoor area.

Sprucing up your garden doesn’t have to be a major chore. In fact, just a couple of these simple garden ideas can create a wow factor for your outdoor space. You’ll want to spend all your free time with your family out there instead of cooped up inside - no matter what season it is!

Without further ado, let’s get into these 16 simple garden ideas you can use:

1. Trim Back Overgrowth

Do some spring cleaning. There’s no time like the Spring to clean up, and that includes your garden. After Summer’s growth turned into Autumn’s fallen leaves, your garden area is bound for a quick clean-up. The good news with Spring cleaning? It doesn’t take much for you to see a major difference. Even the smallest amount of tidying up can do wonders for your garden.

First things first, take a look at any growth you have in your garden. Are there flower beds that have extended over the edge? Do you have any trellises that have reaching vines that can be pruned back? Look for these signs of overgrowth and give everything a quick cut. By doing just this one simple garden idea, the area will immediately feel more refreshed.

2. Clean the Patio

If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned off your patio, now’s the time! Often, outdoor patio spaces can be a catchall for our outdoor tools and equipment. Clean up the patio by finding a space for things like your outdoor cooking equipment and garden power tools.

This is also a great time to check your pavers and your walls. If they’re in need of a wash, use a pressure washer to brighten them up. It’s a simple garden patio idea, especially if you’re on a budget, but it’s the perfect way to make your area feel brand new!

3. Swinging Seating

Nothing creates a more relaxing and cosy spot than swinging seating. Imagine curling up on an oversized swinging seat with a great new book on a warm, late summer afternoon. If that’s the kind of dream you’re after, use a hanging or rocking chair in your garden. They’re an incredibly simple garden idea that can still, instantly, transform a space.

4. An Extra Sitting Room

Sometimes, especially in those warmer months, you just want to have a spot where you and your family can soak up the sun. Trying to do it through a window from your sitting room definitely isn’t the best way! Why not add an extra sitting room to your entire home by creating one in your garden? Without walls to paint, it’s an easy, simple garden design idea that can be done in just a few hours. Carve out a section of your patio where you can add garden seating ideas like a table and chairs, an outdoor sofa, or a full patio furniture set.

5. Create a Quiet Corner

If you’re one of the many people who need a getaway spot within your home, this simple garden design idea is for you! A quiet corner of your garden space is the perfect home away from home. This garden seating idea makes for a wonderful feature idea, too! Choose a secluded corner of your outdoor area. Add in a garden bench, and surround the spot with plants to keep you feeling calm and relaxed any time you choose to sit there.

6. Place a Fire Pit

Your garden doesn’t have to only be for warmer months! If you’re looking for a way to enjoy your outdoor area even when it’s colder outside, look no further than this garden design idea. By creating a section of your garden for a fire pit, you can open up the opportunity to use your outdoor area all year round. Plus, having a fire pit promotes more social activities! Surround your fire pit with a patio furniture set to encourage your family and friends to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

Barcelona Magnesia Fire Pit

7. Add Something Eye-Catching: DIY Pond

Sometimes, doing the smallest things can help your garden. Other times, you need something with a little more wow-factor to spruce it up. Use this eye-catching garden feature idea to help you elevate your outdoor space into something worthy of a magazine!

Believe it or not, DIYing your own small pond is one of the most simple garden design ideas you can do. Plus, it’s a beautiful garden feature idea, too!

All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  • Collect or purchase stones and outline the edge of your pond
  • Within the outline, dig out the grass and soil
  • Place pond netting down into it
  • Fill it with water & enjoy!

It’s a wonderful, simple design idea that you can do in a single afternoon!

You can also purchase a water feature for your pond, too. It’s a great way to elevate the overall look of your new garden design idea!

set of 3 blue water features with water trickling throughGlazed Trio Water Feature

8. Add in New Paint Colours

Don’t underestimate the power new paint can have on your garden experience! Sometimes, your garden ideas don’t have to be much more than this, and you can add paint to just about anything. Whether you want to finally get around to painting the shed, touch up a tired piece of furniture, create a new feel for your fence, or want to re-create your plant container, paint can get the job done. Not to mention, choosing the right paint colours can transform your space into the escape you’re looking for.

Want a beach getaway? Making your garden the ultimate tropical escape can be achieved with Ronseal Garden Paint. Rich shades such as Pink Jasmine contrasted with Cool Breeze create the illusion of warmer climates and transform tired furniture into pieces guaranteed to make the neighbours jealous. Looking for more of a countryside escape? Use neutral, muted shades like Daisy and Warm Stone.

bright coloured boat shaped sand box, beach hut, beach ball and chair set in garden

9. Pots and Planters

Craving even more colour in your garden? Then you can’t go wrong with the following garden ideas! These patio planter ideas will add a touch of liveliness by adding living plants. Plus, the colours of the plants themselves and the container pots will add an invigorating brush of colour to your outdoor space.

Adding pots and planters of different sizes and colours is one of the best simple garden design ideas to use. Dot them around your seating areas and arrange them in the corners of your garden. They’ll instantly energise your space!

10. Hanging Baskets

Creating hanging basket floral arrangements is a great way to add more visual interest to your garden. While most decor rests on the floor, these hanging baskets will draw the eye up. This particular patio planter idea is also perfect if you’re short on floor space in your garden.

Close up of hanging basket with bloomed flowers hanging in garden

11. Add Pathways

Sometimes, what your garden needs is some fresh landscaping. But don’t worry - that doesn’t mean you have to invest in an entire crew to transform your garden. This is one option that is still simple and can be done in no time!

Transform your outdoor space with a new pathway. Carving out pathways in your garden is a great way to add more visual interest and break up the monotony of grass space. Use gravel or decorative stone to create a path and add larger stone slabs on top. It’s a simple DIY project that won’t require professionals to do it for you. Choose a light, neutral colour to contrast with your garden. Mark out your pathway, then scrape away the top layer of grass and soil. Lay down a liner to keep weeds from growing through. Then, pour out your gravel or decorative stone. That’s it!

12. Clean Up Your Grass Space With Edging

Another landscaping option for simple landscaping. A crisp edge to your grass area will keep the entire garden looking clean and tidy. You can either use a plastic edging that hides in the ground to keep grass and weeds from overgrowing. Or you can use wooden edging, brick paving, or stonewalling to add a frame to your grass space. It all depends on what look you’re going for!

13. Wildflower garden

Entice butterflies and hummingbirds with this simple idea. Having wildlife such as Butterflies and Hummingbirds is an incredible way to liven up your outdoor space. There’s so much excitement and joy in seeing beautiful creatures enjoying your garden just as much as you do! These flower bed ideas are a wonderful way to bring new life to your garden.

If you need a way to add a pop of colour or if you want to invigorate your space with living plants but don’t want to keep up with them, you can’t go wrong with this idea. A wildflower garden is perfect because they are relatively independent and don’t require constant upkeep. Keep them contained with stones surrounding the flower bed edge. Then, just toss a packet of wildflower seeds into a soil mixture in your flower bed. All you need to do is prune them back when they get a little overgrown.

14. Grow Fresh Herbs and Vegetables

For some, a more hands-on approach to growing living things is necessary. If that’s the case for you, choose a flower bed to grow fresh vegetables and herbs. Believe it or not, growing vegetables from seeds is relatively easy. Start your seedlings indoors. Once they’ve sprouted, and once the weather warms up, transfer them to a flower bed in your garden. You’ll have fresh veggies and herbs to cut throughout the Spring and Summer! Not to mention, you’ll attract plenty of wildlife who love herbs just as much as you do.

15. Add in Lighting

Sometimes, all you need to do is accessorise your garden to breathe new life into it. Outdoor lighting is a simple, cheap way to create a magical space, and there’s more than likely a type of lighting that fits your decor style! If you have a garden patio and table set, use small fairy lights and wrap them around the underside of your patio umbrella. You can also string large bulbs in between trees in your garden too. Or, use fairy lights to weave throughout your flower beds or container plants. Those are all excellent simple garden ideas to bring a whimsical feel to your space, unlike any other!

Solar lights on strings lit up at night timeLuxform Edison 10 Bulb String Lights

16. Spruce Up Your Patio Seating With Side Tables

Just like in your sitting room, your patio seating area needs some decor. Round out the patio seating with side tables. These will add visual interest, plus they’re useful for family and guests! You can set your drinks on them, add more colour with plant containers, or set a citronella candle on top to keep bugs away.

Bringing life back to your garden doesn’t have to be a huge, long project. Instead, use any number of these simple garden ideas to freshen up your outdoor space in a matter of days.

Ready to start livening up your garden? We’ve got all the supplies you need in our Outdoor Living section!