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Energy Saving Tips: Home Appliances

There are many ways we can make our home energy efficient while also saving money. Here's some of the most simple but effective ones. Keep reading to find out how you can use your home appliances efficiently and to their full advantage.

Turn Them Off

  • Turn the heating off when you leave the house or if you go away. Remember, your radiators will continue to heat your home for some time after the heating has been turned off.  
  • Be careful of leaving any other appliances on standby as this continues to consume electricity, even when they are switched off!
  • Turn off lights when you are leaving a room or when you do not need them.  
  • Use timers. Time your lights, slow cooker, heaters etc. to turn off when not being used
Man Adjusting Timer On Electrical Socket

Tips for Specific Appliances

Washing Machine and Dishwasher

  • Most of the energy used by a dishwasher and washing machine is for water heating. By running these appliances at a lower temperature setting, you will save on your energy costs. Make sure they're filled up before switching them on to avoid wasting water and energy.
  • Try to use the washing machine and dishwasher at times when there is lower energy demand. Avoid turning them on between 7 and 9 in the morning and between 5 and 7 at night. This may not save you money but will help avoid excessive CO2 emissions from power stations. 
  • Use the eco setting on your washing machine and dishwasher. Although it takes longer to complete the cycle, it uses less electricity and is cheaper to run long term. 
Setting Eco Friendly Water Saving Program on Front Control Panel of Washing Machine

Tumble Dryer

  • Tumble dryers are big energy guzzlers so dry clothes on a clothes horse or washing line on warm and dry days. Invest in a heated airer. They’re cost efficient and energy saving in comparison to tumble dryers. They’re also perfect to use during winter months or rainy days. Overall, using an heated airer is less than a quarter of the price of running the average tumble dryer.
  • When you do use a dryer, try to put heaving and light clothes into separate loads.  
  • Use a dryer ball. They lift and separate the load, allowing more air to circulate around your clothes. Your clothes won't stick together, and will dry 25% quicker. 
hand holding dryer ball infront of open washing machine


Did you know? A fan-assisted oven is more efficient than a conventional oven as it uses a fan to circulate heat around food as it cooks. Here are some tips on how you can save energy when it comes to cooking.

Side view of contemporary black oven kitchen interior design. Stylish white wood furniture surface with appliances and decor
  • Replace the seals on your oven door if they are worn or damaged as worn seals can decrease the efficiency of your oven.
  • Modern slow cookers consume as little as 150 watts per hour at a low setting. That’s less than €0.07 per hour of cooking. Not only do use less energy but they produce some delicious meals!
  • Air fryers are one of the most energy efficient ways to prepare food. You don't need to preheat them the same way you preheat an oven. An air fryer reaches high temperatures quickly, cooking your food much faster! For example, cooking oven chips takes 20 to 25 minutes in the oven (plus preheating time) or 15 to 17 minutes in the air fryer (no preheating time).
Air fryer sitting on kitchen counter with bowls and plates of food aroundHayden Air Fryer

Use these top tips to help you save energy at home. Visit our energy savers category for all the products you need to start!