DIY & Building

How To Build A Birdhouse and Care for Birds

Winter's arrival ushers in a hush, presenting a challenge for our feathered companions. Birds are some of the most diverse and beautiful animals on our planet. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colours. They rely on us to help them through the colder months, facing difficulties such as harsh weather, limited food, and the ever-present threat of predators. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, birds play a crucial role in our ecosystem, contributing to pollination, pest control, and seed dispersal.

Dive into our guide to learn how you can build birdhouses and provide essential care this winter. Your efforts can make a significant impact on the well-being of these incredible creatures. Ready to lend a hand to our feathered companions?

The Importance of Winter Birdhouses

As the weather gets colder and colder as we move through the year, it's essential that we spare a thought for the birds outside and think of ways we can help. Winter birdhouses emerge as invaluable resources for them, providing more than just shelter from the cold. Here are some key reasons why reasons winter birdhouses are so important to their survival.

  • Shelter from the cold: In the middle of a very heavy winter, birds lose heat in through their feathers. A thoughtfully placed birdhouse becomes a haven, offering them a warm and secure abode to weather the frosty nights
  • Protection from predators: During the winter months, birds are especially vulnerable to predators particularly when they are weakened by hunger. A well-designed birdhouse is a fortress, granting them respite and sanctuary from lurking predators.
  • Nesting sites: While birds nest in spring, winter is the season when birds scout out potential locations. A strategically positioned birdhouse in your garden becomes an enticing prospect for our feathered friends, offering them a safe haven to raise their young when the time comes.
  • Access to food: With the ground often blanketed in snow, foraging for food becomes a strenuous task for birds. A birdhouse equipped with provisions becomes a lifeline, ensuring they have a reliable source of sustenance and a place to rest.

Choosing the Right DIY Birdhouse Design

When deciding to build a birdhouse at home, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. It's not just about aesthetics; the design must cater to the specific needs and preferences of the bird species you aim to attract.

One is the type of birds you would like to attract. Just like us, different birds have different wants and needs, so it's important to consider this at the design stage.

Tailor your design to the needs of the birds you wish to attract:

  1. Bird - Specific Feature - It's essential to cater to these specific needs, as providing the right entrance size ensures that your birdhouse becomes a welcoming and safe haven for the species you aim to attract. For instance, bluebirds prefer a 1.5-inch entrance hole, while chickadees favour a 1.25-inch opening.
  2. Ideal Location - Select a sheltered spot out of predators' reach. Avoid direct sunlight, ensuring a comfortable environment for our feathered guests.
  3. Materials and Tools: Wood, nails, screws, and waterproof glue form the foundation. Equip yourself with a power drill, saws, measuring tape, and safety gear.
  4. Personal Touch: Consider adding a splash of colour with wood paint, infusing your birdhouse with personality. Much like painting a shed, this step can transform your birdhouse, offering a vibrant or subtle finish that enhances its aesthetic appeal. Whether you choose bold hues or natural tones, this small effort can make a significant difference in creating a charming haven for your feathered friends.

What tools will help you complete the job? These are all good questions to think about at this phase. We've put together a list of materials that you can buy at Woodie's to get you started!

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Birdhouse

Let's bring your birdhouse to life, one step at a time:

Step 1 -

Select a sheltered location in your garden, ideally attaching the birdhouse to a post on a garden fence for added security. Always prioritise safety by wearing eye protection when working with tools.

Step 2 -

Start by measuring out each panel of the birdhouse on your chosen piece of wood. Keep in mind that you'll require a total of six pieces: four for the walls and one each for the floor and roof.

Step 3 -

Handle your saw with precision as you carefully cut through the wood, ensuring each piece is accurately shaped. By the end of this step, you should have all six components cleanly separated and ready for the next stage of assembly.

Step 4 -

Using both the wood glue and screws, begin to assemble each piece until your winter birdhouse takes shape. Choosing the right power drill for the job is vital. Read our DIY expert blog to help you make the right choice.

Step 5 -

Now it's time to add the front entrance to your house. Using a coping saw, carefully cut out a circle on the front side of your birdhouse. With all the spare wood from this step, you can use the left over over pieces to create your perch!

Step 6 -

Once the birdhouse is fully assembled, it's time to find its perfect place on your garden fence. Opt for a height that feels natural and accessible for both you and the feathered guests. Use sturdy nails to securely fasten it in this chosen spot. Make sure it's positioned in a way that allows for easy observation and maintenance. This thoughtful placement ensures your avian friends will feel safe and welcome in their new home.

Add a pop of colour! Now that your birdhouse is secure, you can choose to paint it any colour of your choice. We've got a wide range to choose from in the Woodcare section of our website.

Birdhouse Maintenance and Feeding Tips

Now that you have successfully designed, built, and hung up your winter birdhouse, it's time to focus on maintaining it and feeding the birds you attract!


Regularly check for wear and tear, especially as birdhouses are exposed to the rigours of winter. Repair any cracks or holes in the wood, and continue to tighten loose nails and screws.

After each brood, perform a thorough cleaning of the birdhouse. Remove any remnants of old nests and wash the interior with a mild soapy solution. Allow it to dry completely before rehanging to maintain a clean and welcoming environment.

If necessary, don't hesitate to reposition the birdhouse. Factors like extreme cold, excessive heat, or strong winds may make a relocation more suitable, providing a safer and more comfortable haven for your feathered visitors.


Cater to diverse tastes - Birds, much like us, have their individual preferences and dietary needs. Ensure that you offer a wide selection of food options to accommodate their varied tastes. Explore our extensive range of Bird Care products to find the perfect fit.

Maintain cleanliness - Regularly clear away any spilled seed or other debris. This not only discourages pests but also promotes the well-being of our feathered friends, ensuring a healthy feeding environment.

Offer refuge for feeders - Shield your feeding stations from strong winds. This way, birds can access their meals with ease. Provide shelter in whatever manner best suits your setup.

Monitoring and Enjoying Bird Activity

Bird watching is a great way to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. It's also a great way to learn about the creatures that live in your area. These tips enable you to embrace bird watching in a manner that is both enjoyable and respectful.

Listen to Bird Sounds

A variety of bird species serenade us with their distinct calls and songs. By learning to identify these different sounds, you cultivate a heightened awareness of the avian orchestra that surrounds you.

Keep an Eye on Bird Nests

Monitor your birdhouse, checking things such as how many eggs are laid, how long it takes for the eggs to hatch, and how long the chicks stay in the nest. You can also watch the parents feeding and caring for their children. Always make sure to keep a safe distance to not disturb the birds.

Be Patient

Don't get discouraged if there aren't plenty of birds at first; it may take time for them to become comfortable visiting your DIY winter birdhouse. Keep observing, and you will start to see more birds visit your garden, and this will allow you to learn even more about their behaviour.

By building and maintaining your winter birdhouse, you're not just offering essential support to our avian companions; you're also delving into the captivating realm of bird care. Take the first step in your project today and witness the enchanting world of winter birds come to life right in your own backyard.

Start your birdhouse project today!