Outdoor Living

How to Prepare the Perfect Charcoal BBQ

While the summer is here and the weather heats up why not heat up your BBQ too. Knowing where to start can be difficult but below we will show you how to prepare the perfect BBQ.

Tools for the job:

Continue reading for a step-by-step guide on how to prepare the perfect BBQ or watch our video guide below!

Step 1

Place the lid in the holder and position 2-3 lighter cubes in the centre of the grate then light.

Step 2

Fill the chimney starter with charcoal and position it over the lit cubes. Wait at least 20 minutes for the BBQ to heat up.

hand with glove hold a chimney starter filled with charcoal over lit cubes in bbq

Step 3

If you're 'indirect cooking', then tip the hot charcoal into the side trays of the BBQ.

Note: Indirect cooking is similar to roasting. The circulating heat works much like a convection oven, so there’s no need to turn the food. Use this method for larger cuts of meat, whole chickens, ribs, etc. Or foods that require 25 minutes or more grilling time.

Step 4

Place a drip pan between the charcoal to collect drippings. This prevents flare-ups. The drippings are also great to use for gravies and sauces!

Close up of drip pan in the middle of bbq with charcoal either side

Step 5

If you are 'direct cooking', tip the charcoal over the entire grate. No side trays are required for this. Allow 10-15 minutes for the BBQ to heat up.

Note: Direct cooking is cooking food directly over the heat source. Food should be turned once halfway through the grilling time. This is for food that takes less than 25mins. E.g. Steaks, Sausages, Burgers & Vegetables.

Step 6

Place the lid on your BBQ while it's heating up. Open all vents for best results.

Now time to relax and enjoy your perfectly cooked BBQ!
Missing some outdoor cooking supplies? We've got you covered!