DIY & Building

How to Re-Grout a Tile

Curious about how to re-grout a tile? Whether it's a tiled floor, wall or splashback that you feel could do with some re-grouting, we have all the help you'll need below. By following our quick and easy step-by-step guide, learning how to re-grout a tile couldn't be simpler!

Firstly, you'll need to make sure you have everything you will need to complete the job. Check out our list below to get started:

Tools for the Job

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Start by putting down a dust sheet to make sure there'll be minimal clean up to do once the job is done.
  2. Use a grout remover to get rid of any existing grout from between each of the tiles you wish to re-grout.
  3. Once you've removed all of the grout, clean the tiles to remove any excess dust or dirt.
  4. Using already mixed grout (or mix up a tile grout following the manufacturer's instructions), begin to re-grout the tiles. Use a grout float to spread the grout mix over all of the areas that need to be filled.
  5. When all of the gaps are filled, go back over them with a sponge to even out the appearance of the grout.
  6. Use a grout finishing tool to give a professional finish.
  7. Leave the grout to dry for as long as indicated on the packet.

Are you ready to begin re-grouting? Shop everything you'll need to re-grout a tile here, or pop into your local store today.