DIY & Building, Bathroom & Plumbing

How to Install a Shower Door

Do you have a shower door that needs replacing? Knowing where to start when installing a shower door can be difficult. If you're not sure where to start, follow our guide below.

Tools for the Job:

Step by Step Guide

Step 1

Measure the base of the shower and buy a door to fit the existing shower tray. In this case, we are installing a corner entry shower door. There are generally two standard-sized shower trays - 760mm and 800mm.

Step 2

Assemble the components of the shower door frame according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 3

Sit the assembled frame on the shower tray. Mark with a pencil where the track should go. This will act as a guide for the U channel.

Bottom corner of shower doors in light grey/marble bathroom

Step 4

Once the position is marked, remove the shower frame.

Step 5

Place the U channel in line with the mark you've just made. Use a spirit level to ensure it is vertically level. Mark the drill holes for the U channel on the wall.

Step 6

Run a stud detector over where you will be drilling on the wall to ensure there are no hazards behind the wall.

man using stud detector and pencil against wallStanley Fatmax Stud Finder

Top Tip: Be extra thorough when looking for pipes and cables as there are a lot of them behind the walls in a bathroom.

Step 7

Put masking tape on your markings and drill holes using a tile drill bit. The tile drill bit has a special tip for precision drilling into the tile. Remember, safety first - always wear safety goggles when drilling.

Top Tip: Let the drill do the work. Hold the drill perpendicular to the tile and apply a bit of pressure. Go slow until you break the surface of the tile. Once you are through the surface you can increase the speed of the drill.

Step 8

Insert suitable rawl plugs into the hole, ideally past the depth of the tile.

Step 9

Run a bead of sealant at the back of the U channel and secure it into place by inserting the screws. Repeat on the other side.

Step 10

Offer up the frame against the wall and slot it into the U channels and ensure the frame is level.

Step 11

Drill pilot holes through the guide holes and secure it in place with screws.

Step 12

Fit the door to the frame as per the manufacturer's instructions. Read instructions carefully to determine the correct method for putting on seals, hinges/rollers, or any fittings, such as handles.

close up of hands wearing gloves screwing shower door handle in place with screwdriver

Step 13

Once the shower door is in place, seal with an appropriate sealant and leave for 24hrs. It would be preferable to use a bath and shower sealant with mould resistance.

Feel more comfortable knowing how to install a shower door? Find all the tools you need for the job in our Bathroom and Plumbing section.